- Install and activate Monarch plugin.
- Go Monarch Settings > Social Sharing > Location, then select Inline
- Go Monarch Settings > Social Sharing > Networks, then add Google, Facebook and Twitter
- Go Monarch Settings > Social Sharing > Inline, scroll down to post type settings then select Post
- Access Facebook for Developers account
- Click Add New App on My Apps button
- Add Website Title to Display Name field
- Select approriate category
- You’ll be redirected to the Dashboard of Apss
- On Dashboard, click Choose Platform then select Website
- Scroll down to the page then add Site URL
- Go back to the App Dashboard then go to Settings > Basic
- Add the domain to the App Domain field then save changes
- Go to App Review then select Yes to make the app public
- Go to Dashboard then get App ID and App Secret key
- Go to wordpress site, Tools > Monarch Settings then add the
- App ID and App Secret key