
Adobe Photoshop: Color Range

We often use magic wand or pentool to separate/isolate objects from its background. But sometimes it doesn’t go well using those tools.

Here is another way to remove the background of your images.

If you aren’t familiar with the Adobe Photoshop’s feature called “Color Range”… then you must try it! It will help you a lot in many ways not just by removing the background of your images ๐Ÿ™‚

Open your image. Go to Menu>Select>Color Range.

A pop-up dialog will appear like in the image below.

Click on the background of the image. Color picker will be the appearance of your cursor once you hover outside the pop-up dialog.

Hold shift while clicking on the background to add the range of color to the selection. You will notice in the preview that there are white and black areas. White areas are the selected portions of the image vice versa. You ย can change the preview mode in the Selection preview dropdown.

You can adjust the fuzziness to your preference to adjust the range of the color selection but for me I will set the fuzziness to 40. You can also check Localized Color Clusters for better selection.

After that, click Ok. The selection will appear like this.

You can refine your selection in various ways by using refine edge functions but that’s a different topic so I won’t be explaining it too further.

Hope you’ve learned something new again by reading this tutorial. Thank you for reading! ๐Ÿ™‚